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The output from {chef} is a data.table containing the statistics for each stratum within each endpoint based on the specified analysis data for each endpoint.

The columns in the table contain information on six different hierarchical levels, meaning that e.g. information on level 2 is a sub level of level 1.

The table utilizes a long format structure, ensuring that each row corresponds to the most granular level of information (level 6). This level comprises individual statistical outcomes derived from the applied statistical functions.

The six information levels in the output data from {chef} are:

  1. Endpoint specification. This may entail multiple endpoint specifications within the output.
  2. Endpoint. If a group_by argument is included in the endpoint specification, it will result in a set of endpoints for each group level within that specification. If group_by is absent, only a single endpoint will be generated.
  3. Stratifier. These are applied to each endpoint. For instance, if the stratifiers are SEX and AGEGR, the endpoint will be divided into three entities (one for each stratifier, and an additional one for the total, which is a unique, fixed stratification with a singular stratum).
  4. Statistical function. The R functions designated for application to each stratifier.
  5. Stratum. The levels of each stratifier.
  6. Statistics. The statistics corresponding to each stratum.

The table below describes all the columns in the output table. Note that information on levels 1-5 may be repeated on several rows, since level 6 is the defining row level.

Aggregation level Column name Type Description
Level 1: Endpoint specification endpoint_spec_id int Id of endpoint specification.
study_metadata list Study metadata.
pop_var char Population filter variable.
pop_value char Population filter value.
treatment_var char Treatment variable.
treatment_refval char Treatment reference value.
period_var char Period filter variable.
period_value char Period filter value.
custom_pop_filter char Custom (free text) population filter.
endpoint_filter char Endpoint filter expression.
group_by list List of variables to group by (cross combinations).
stratify_by list List of variables on which to stratify the analysis data.
key_analysis_data char Id of analysis data set (filtered by population filter).
Level 2: Endpoint empty logical Indicates if the endpoint is empty (no events).
endpoint_group_metadata list Specification of group slice.
endpoint_group_filter char Filter expression to extract group slice from analysis data.
endpoint_id char Endpoint id. One endpoint per group slice.
endpoint_label char Endpoint label.
event_index list Indices (rows) in the analysis data that are events.
crit_accept_endpoint logical Evaluation of crit_endpoint.
Level 3: Stratifier strata_var char Stratification variable.
strata_id char Id of stratifier.
crit_accept_by_strata_by_trt logical Evaluation of crit_by_strata_by_trt.
crit_accept_by_strata_across_trt logical Evaluation of crit_by_strata_across_trt.
Level 4: Statistical function fn_hash char Id of stat function.
fn_type char Type of stat function (stat_by_strata_by_trt, stat_by_strata_across_trt, or stat_across_strata_across_trt).
fn_name char Name of stat function.
fn_call_char char Stat function parsing (name of stat function and arguments).
fn_callable list Stat function code.
Level 5: Stratum stat_empty logical Indicates if stratum is empty (cell_index is empty).
stat_metadata list Specification of stratum.
stat_filter char Filter expression to extract stratum from analysis data.
stat_result_id char Id of statistics produced by stat function.
cell_index list Indices (rows) in the analysis data included in the stratum.
Level 6: Statistics stat_result_description char Description of the statistics (returned from statistical function).
stat_result_label char Label to the statistics (returned from statistical function).
stat_result_qualifiers char Qualifiers to the statistics (returned from statistical function).
stat_result_value num The statistical value returned from the statistical function.