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This vignette provides a short introduction to the idea of analysis criteria.

The analysis request from the authorities will detail an overall set of endpoints, irrespective of the underlying study data. For example, they might request an analysis of serious adverse events by system organ class, by gender. Such an analyses may contain many cells with zeros, or very low counts. To ensure only analyses that contain meaningfully amounts of data are included, the request may additionally include certain criteria for the inclusion of an analysis, such as a threshold for the minimum number of records, events, or subjects.

The logic for these analysis inclusion criteria are handled by the functions supplied to the crit_endpoint, crit_by_strata_by_trt, and crit_by_strata_across_trt arguments when defining an endpoint in mk_endpoints_str().

Criteria levels

Currently, {chef} supports analysis inclusion criteria for three parts of the analysis output, with colors corresponding to the figure below:

  1. The entire endpoint
  2. The stat_by_strata_by_trt
  3. The stat_by_strata_across_trt and stat_across_strata_across_trt

The criteria functions are hierarchical; failure to meet criteria at Level A (Entire Endpoint) implies automatic failure at Levels B and C. Similarly, passing Level A but failing Level B results in failure at Level C.

If an endpoint does not satisfy a certain criterion, the associated statistical functions will not execute to reduce compute time. For instance, if an endpoint does not meet the criteria at Level B, by strata and across treatment arms analyses will not be performed. However, the analyses for the Totals will still proceed.

It is important to note that these criteria are optional. Not every endpoint definition needs to incorporate all three levels of criteria. Some analyses may have no criteria, while others might require criteria only at the endpoint or strata.

NOTE that the crit_by_strata_across_trt criterion gate-keep both stat_by_strata_across_trt and stat_across_strata_across_trt (stippled box). The stat_across_strata_across_trt is seen as lower on the hierarchical criteria ladder than stat_by_strata_across_trt - however it does not have a seperate criterion at this time and will therefore be included by default.

Function formals

Chef supplies a number of parameters the criterion functions. The parameters vary according to the statistical method. Note that for crit_by_strata_by_trt, and crit_by_strata_across_trt the formals of the functions are identical.

Input specifications

The criteria functions are served broad set of parameters. This reflects the need for flexibility in the criteria functions.

The flexibility allows you to set criteria that affect specific stratum based on that specific stratum or on information shared across multiple strata.

This allows you to create criteria functions which only target one stratum or act across the whole strata:

  • Criteria1 requires that in the endpoint the strata GENDER must be balanced. (ie approx 50/50 distribution.) (requires only the stratify_by parameter)
  • Criteria2 requires that for the endpoint all strata (GENDER, AGE) must be balanced. (requires the stratify_by parameter)
  • You may also also design criteria for endpoints, which only includes in the case where there is enough subjects in relevant strata.

See Examples

NB Similar to the stat methods we require that criteria function include ellipses (...) as a wildcard parameter. This is both a convenience, since you then only need to explicitly state the used parameters in your function definition. However, more importantly it will ensure that a criteria function you define today will also work tomorrow, where {chef} may supply more parameters to the criteria functions.

Parameter Type Example Description
dat data.table::data.table Dataset containing the [Analysis population] (ep_spec_poplation_def.html)
event_index, List(Integer) [1, 3, 5] Index (pointing to the INDEX_ column) of rows with an Event
subjectid_var Character "USUBJID" The column containing the subject id.
treatment_var, Character "treatment_name" The column name describing treatment type
treatment_refval, Character "Placebo" The treatment refval for the treatment_var column for the endpoint.
period_var, Character "period_block" The column name describing the periods
period_value, Character "within_trial_period" The value in the period_var which is of interest to the endpoint.
endpoint_filter Character (escaped) "\"someColumn\" == \"someValue\"" Specific endpoint filter
endpoint_group_metadata List Named list containing by_group metadata
stratify_by List(Character) ['Sex', 'Gender'] The strata which the endpoint is sliced by.
Parameter Type Example Description
dat data.table::data.table Dataset containing the Analysis population
event_index, List(Integer) [1, 3, 5] Index (pointing to the INDEX_ column) of rows with an Event
subjectid_var Character "USUBJID" The column containing the subject id.
treatment_var, Character "treatment_name" The column name describing treatment type
treatment_refval, Character "Placebo" The treatment refval for the treatment_var column for the endpoint.
period_var, Character "period_block" The column name describing the periods
period_value, Character "within_trial_period" The value in the period_var which is of interest to the endpoint.
endpoint_filter Character (escaped) "\"someColumn\" == \"someValue\"" Specific endpoint filter
endpoint_group_metadata List Named list containing by_group metadata
stratify_by List(Character) ['Sex', 'Gender'] The strata which the endpoint is sliced by.
strata_var Character "Sex" The specific stratification which the criteria relates to.

Output specifications

The output of the criteria function must be a simple boolean (TRUE or FALSE)

Example functions

Below are two examples showcasing how to write criteria functions. It is not within scope of the {chef} package to provide a library of criteria functions.

Generic criteria function: Allows control over endpoint inclusion based on the count of subjects with events in the arms.

This function is a generic that can the be specified in the mk_endpoint_str or curried beforehand (Stat methods-Currying)

ep_criteria.treatment_arms_minimum_unique_event_count <- function(
    requirement_type = c("any", "all")
  # rows with events
  dat_events <- dat[J(event_index),]

  # Bolean of whether the count of unique subjects 
  # within each treatment arm is above the minimum count.  
  dat_lvl_above_threshold <- dat_events[
    list("is_above_minimum" = data.table::uniqueN(subjectid_var)>=minimum_event_count), 
  if requirement_type == "any":
    return( any(dat_lvl_above_threshold$V1) )
  return( all(dat_lvl_above_threshold$V1) )

Only include the across strata and treatment arm analysis if there are at least X subjects with events in each treatment arm. For requirement_type==“any” just a single cell (stratum + treatment arm) needs to be included.

ep_strata_criteria.strata_treatment_arm_minimum_unique_count <- function(
    requirement_type = c("any", "all")
  # rows with events
  dat_events <- dat[J(event_index),]

  # Bolean of whether the count of unique subjects 
  # within each treatment arm is above the minimum count.  
  dat_lvl_above_threshold <- dat_events[
    list("is_above_minimum" = data.table::uniqueN(subjectid_var)>=minimum_event_count), 
    by=c(treatment_var, strata_var)
  if requirement_type == "any":
    return( any(dat_lvl_above_threshold$is_above_minimum) )
  return( all(dat_lvl_above_threshold$is_above_minimum) )

Applying criteria functions

Criteria functions are supplied to the mk_endpoint_str function and is used to gatekeep which statistical function are run.

An example of a endpoint could be:

We look at the population with an event E_XYZ.

  • We are only interested in the endpoint if we see at least 5 subjects in any of the arms that have event E_XYZ.
  • We are only interested in getting descriptive statistic for any strata (say GENDER, AGEGRP) if the all levels within have at least 1 subject.
  • Finally, we only run the across treatment arm statistics if there are at least 5 subject in each stratum and each treatment arm.

The above requirements/gates are implemented by currying the functions given in the Examples section.

# R/project_criteria.R
# Curry the general criteria functions from [Examples](#examples)

crit_accept_endpoint.5_subjects_any_treatment_arm <- purrr:partial(
  minimum_event_count = 5,
  requirement_type = "any"

crit_strata.1_subject_all_treatment_strata <- purrr:partial(
  minimum_event_count = 1,
  requirement_type = "all"

crit_strata.5_subject_all_treatment_strata <- purrr:partial(
  minimum_event_count = 5,
  requirement_type = "all"

# R/project_endpoints.R

endpoint_XYZ  <- chef::mk_endpoint_str(
  ..., # Setting the rest of the inputs
  crit_endpoint = list(crit_accept_endpoint.5_subjects_any_treatment_arm),
  crit_by_strata_by_trt = list(crit_strata.1_subject_all_treatment_strata),
  crit_by_strata_across_trt = list(crit_strata.5_subject_all_treatment_strata)