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To provide an open-source opinionated framework for setting up pipelines for AMNOG-style HTA analyses in conjunction with the {ramnog} package.


The aim of {chef} is that a programmer has to write minimal code, and no programming to in order to set-up a new AMNOG-type analyses. For each study, the programmer will need to make, adjust, or check the following four types of code:

  1. The definition of each endpoint (or group of endpoints).
  2. A set of adam functions that makes any modifications to existing ADaM datasets (e.g., new age grouping in ADSL), or makes new ADaM datasets if none exist for the required output.
  3. (If needed) Define a set of criteria for when an endpoint should be included in the results. A library of these criteria are stored in the companion package {chefCriteria}
  4. A specification of the statistical functions used to summarize/analyze the data.

Behind the scenes {chef} uses the {targets} package to handle the pipelines.

For help and guidance on building an analysis pipeline, see the {ramnog} package.

Developer Documentation

Please refer to {ramnog} for general developer documentation.